Hei fra Orange County! Jeg er hjemme og prøver å ta igjen livet, e -post så vel som skitne klær I går var jeg super sliten hele tiden fra moro
7 Sommerløpende hacks for å hjelpe deg med å kjøre ditt beste7 Sommerløpende hacks for å hjelpe deg med å kjøre ditt beste
7 sommerløpsforslag for å hjelpe deg med å kjøre ditt beste selv i varmen og fuktigheten. Å løpe i varmt vær og under fuktige forhold gjør det vanskeligere å løpe.
Frokostskål og maratonundervisningFrokostskål og maratonundervisning
I morges brukte jeg en halv cantaloupe som min “frokostbolle”. Jeg fylte den opp med cottage cheese, frokostblandinger, chiafrø og løypemiks. Det var velsmakende og tok en stund å spise
Watermelon Cupcakes from SkinnyRunnerWatermelon Cupcakes from SkinnyRunner
Today is looking up! I just got the very best shipment from my preferred skinny Runner – watermelon cupcakes!!! She understands me. But let’s back track for a moment to
Back to trainingBack to training
delighted Monday! I wasn’t meant to be into work up until 9am, however got a last minute visit for a physical fitness examination at 8 so I had to cut
Wet walkWet walk
It’s the El Nino! I can’t believe exactly how much it has been raining in SoCal! fortunately the rain let up for a bit as well as my mother as
Big Boned Is A thingBig Boned Is A thing
Hello! hvordan går det? I have been a busy lil bee because I needed to take awkward photos for a very fun project I have coming up. Exhibit Awkward: Mine
Ice Cream, chocolate as well as Baked productsIce Cream, chocolate as well as Baked products
The title of this publish truly sums up my eats for this weekend. Sure, I had a huge veggie filled salad at one point but, much more than anything else
March goalsMarch goals
Hello! I woke as much as discover my Garmin dying so I decided to run without it this morning. 4 miles, easy. next week starts my training for the Fontana
Salt in My SweatSalt in My Sweat
Hello! yesterday I chosen up my bit brother from institution for my mommy and we stopped for a Friday treat. I got a large iced coffee and added elegant creamer